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A unique opportunity not to be missed

The Sponsor of Gigantica will receive exposure on a scale second to none in the Denver metro area with national opportunities available. Creative, aggressive marketing and a unique product totally exclusive to the title sponsor will provide brand name recognition unlike any other. Visually appealing and spiritually intriguing, brand names associated with Gigantica will receive lasting exposure long after the ride is over.

Visible from a 30-mile radius, a broad audience will number in the hundreds of thousands per day. Every 15 minutes for 10 hours a day and 330 days a year, the balloon will fly to height between 300 feet and 1000 feet, (That's higher than the highest building in Denver). Facility design would allow for the balloon to be on display in glass hangar in the event of poor weather, (365 days a year). Exposure would not be limited to out of home showings. Featured news and magazine stories, TV news cams, sporting event exposure, visitor magazines and other public relation schemes will provide unparralleled exposure. Solicitation of the Discovery Channel, TLC and other TV channels for PR opportunities has been intiated. Years of hot air ballooning in Colorado and Phoenix by Adventures Out West have provided uncountable, unsolicited contacts in the television and news print industry. Balloons tend to be a magnet for media sources looking for a unique story.

The community and state of Colorado will also view sponsorship as "goodwill". Supported by the Mayor, City of Denver and State of Colorado the balloon is designed to be community showpiece. A unique landmark like this will be compared to the Space Needle in Seattle and the Arch in St. Louis. Artistic perfection and community involvement will leave a long lasting impression on the general public. Conversely, a sponsor will be selected on its merits and standing in the community as a goodwill ambassador. Sponsorship is the sole enabler of this project, scope and size is limited only by the sponsor's willingness to participate.

Please review the following information if you or your company are interested in participating.

Conservative Cost per Point estimates could be:

2.1 million Denver Metro residents
10,000,000 annual visitors to Colorado arriving through Denver and driving past Gigantica.

Total 12.1 million eyes, 2.1 million of who will see the balloon everyday multiple times unless they don't go outside. One point would equal 21,000 eyeballs not including tourists. $10 million sponsor package over five years equals $2 million per year divided by 330 days of flyable weather equals $4848 per day. $4848 divided by 2.1 million eyes equals $0.0028 per showing.


General Property Information

New Attraction to be installed: Sponsor can assist in development and design.

Opportunity Frequency: Daily Year round

Attendance: 30,000- 50,000 annually if not more, a balloon in France had 50,000 visitors in its first year.

Audience: Estimates only. At other balloon sites 35% of all riders are under the age of 12.


Sponsorships Available

Title Sponsor Contract

$6,000,000/ 3 year contract

Contract includes:
•Two 2400 square foot logos
•Logo and project partner in all print, media, advertising and brand name recognition.
•This sponsorship includes name recognition only and does not include ownership or liability. Insurance is provided by AIM of Ohio.
•Sponsor has limited use of facility for corporate entertainment, parties, and promotions.
•Free Tickets
•Corporate showcase on property



Associate Sponsors

•Official Newspaper Trade for Publicity $
•Official Radio Trade for Publicity $
•Official TV "Giganticam" Trade for Publicity $
•State of Colorado Trade for support
•City of Denver Trade for support and use permits

Official Suppliers

• Beer
• Soda
• Food
• Others


•Use of marks, logos and characters
• Hospitality use of the facility
• On site signage
• TV, Radio, Newsprint and Internet
• Goodwill ambassador to community


For further sponsorship information please contact,

Greg Wellens


1680 S. 21st Street Colorado Springs, CO 80904

Thank you


© copyright 2004, GIGANTICA